Directions regarding the results of the review and simplification of administrative procedures in 2021


The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee issued Official Letter No. 6632/UBND-KSTT dated October 20, 2021 on the results of the review and simplification of administrative procedures in 2021.


Binh Dinh Public Administration Service Centre

According to the above-mentioned Official Letter, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee (PPC) commented that in 2021, deparrments, agencies and localities in the province have actively implemented the review, assessment and made recommendations and proposals of reducing the processing time for 28 administrative procedures (administrative procedures); thereby reducing from 8.3% to 60.61% the cost of administrative procedure implementation, equivalent to an amount of VND 666,468,315/year, contributing to improving the quality and efficiency of administrative reform and the efforts have been recognized by the organizations, businesses and citizens.

The PPC Chairman acknowledged and  appreciated the efforts of departments, organizations and localities that have recently performed the review, assessment and made recommendations and proposals to simplify administrative procedures. The Chairman especially praised the units who have focused on making positive change of working style and methods, developing reasonable collaborating process, strengthening coordination among related organizations and departments in performing tasks, making commitments in minimizing the time to process administrative procedures and implementing focal point services in solving administrative problems such as: Department of Planning and Investment, Department of Justice...

Also, the PPC Chairman assigned the Department of Home Affairs to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the PPC Office and relevant agencies and units in proposing rewards for departments, agencies and localities with outstanding achievements; propagating, disseminating new models, creative and effective ways of doing things; continue to propose solutions to improve the quality of administrative reform with a focus on administrative reform in order to successfully implement the Action Programme on administrative reform, enhancing administrative procedure reform in the period 2020 - 2025 (issued in attachment with Decision No. 3809/QD-UBND dated September 14, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee).

In 2021, approval was made for simplifying 28 administrative procedures belonging to the management functions of 12 provincial agencies, including: Department of Finance (1 administrative procedure), Department of Industry and Trade (1 procedure), Department of Natural Resources and Environment (3 procedures), Department of Culture and Sports (1 procedure), Department of Transport (1 procedure), Department of Tourism (1 procedure), Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs (1 administrative procedure), Department of Health (6 procedure), Department of Information and Communications (1 procedure), Department of Science and Technology (1 procedure), Department of Justice (procedure) and Department of Planning and Investment (10 procedures).

Significantly, upon considering the plan to simplify administrative procedures under the management function of the Department of Planning and Investment in Decision No. 3867/QD-UBND dated September 20, 2021 of the PPC Chairman, the Ministry Planning and Investment issued Official Letter No. 7009/BKHĐT-VP dated October 14, 2021 in which the simplification of 10 administrative procedures in the investment field of Binh Dinh was appreciated because it would make it easier for organizations, businesses and individuals in the implementation of administrative procedures, and it would go in line with the spirit of Resolution No. 68/NQ-CP dated July 12, 2020 of the Government promulgating the Program to reduce and simplify regulations related to business activities. During the period 2020-2025.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Planning and Investment commented: "The simplification of the above-mentioned 10 administrative procedures shows the strong commitment of the People's Committee of Binh Dinh province in administrative reform and improvement of the business and investment environment". /.

Source: Binh Dinh Provincial Portal
Translated by Le Hien