Delegation from Laos’ Champasak province visits Binh Dinh


Champasak province led by Mr Nalongsak Xattakoun - Director of Champasak’s DPI. Joining the meeting are leadership representatives of Departments of Industry and Trade, Education and Training, Health, Agriculture and rural Development, Binh Dinh’s Vietnamese - Laos Friendship Association and Binh Dinh Pharmaceutical and Medical Equipment Company.


Binh Dinh, October 10, 2008, at the office of the Department of Planning and Investment (DPI), Mr Le Van Tam - Director of Binh Dinh’s DPI received and had a meeting with the delegation of Laos’ Champasak province led by Mr Nalongsak Xattakoun - Director of Champasak’s DPI. Joining the meeting are leadership representatives of Departments of Industry and Trade, Education and Training, Health, Agriculture and rural Development, Binh Dinh’s Vietnamese - Laos Friendship Association and Binh Dinh Pharmaceutical and Medical Equipment Company.


At the meeting, two sides summarized and assessed the implementing process of co-operation contents stated in the Agreement signed by leaders of the two provinces. On the whole, the co-operation contents are all practical, satisfying both needs of Champasak province and possibilities of Binh Dinh’s Province.


So far, Binh Dinh has implemented most of co-operation contents with Champasak province, particularly in the field of agriculture: assistance of animal and crop breeding; establishing model of encouraging agricultural expansion and training technical workers. In the education -training - health fields: Binh Dinh has offered 32 scholarships to Champasak students. Quy Nhon University has taught Vietnamese to 195 Champasak students who would continue to attend undergraduate and postgraduate programs of different faculties. Binh Dinh General Hospital has received training for 6 medical workers of Champasak province. In the fields of trade - tourism - transportation: there have been a great number of visits for exploring markets and attending trade fairs in Champasak province, 15 trips by car a month from Quy Nhon - Champasak.