Seminar on “Binh Dinh - Investment opportunities for Japanese businesses”: a breakthrough in attracting investment of the province


The fact that Binh Dinh businesses find partners, Japanese investorsstart to look for investment opportunities in Binh Dinh is the expectations of notonly Chairman of Binh Dinh province, the leader and the whole delegation butalso of Binh Dinh province’s people after the seminar on Binh Dinh-Investmentopportunities for Japanese businesses which took place in the morning of 14thJanuary 2016 in Osaka, Japan.


View at the seminar on “Binh Dinh -Investment opportunities for Japanese businesses

The seminar wasattended by businesses of two sides in sectors such as agriculture (ocean tuna,swift nests, poultry breeds); fine arts and crafts; travel; trainingand labor export. Speaking at the seminar, Mr Tran Duc Binh, ConsulateGeneral of Vietnam in Osaka appreciated activities of the delegation of BinhDinh province while they were in Japan; he also said that the seminar on BinhDinh - Investment opportunities for Japanese businesses was a great time for Japaneseenterprises to obtain more information on the policies and business environmentof Binh Dinh and opened cooperation opportunities for investors of two nations.

"It can beasserted that, with high determination in reforming administrative proceduresand generating favorable business environment for investment activities, BinhDinh is showing to be an attractive destination for investors”. I believethat in the near future, many investors, entrepreneurs will come to Binh Dinhto survey to gain good  understanding of investmentenvironment, business and to see the image of Binh Dinh - a central coastalprovince with potentials for partnership and growth in the region. In thisprovince, all businesses are provided with favorable conditions for access toinformation on policies, planning, investment opportunities and capital source”,with those strong  commitments from ChairmanHo Quoc Dung of Binh Dinh Provincial People’s Committee, Binh Dinh is said tobe a golden gate waiting for Japanese investors to open for market research andinvestment cooperation.

At the seminar, BinhDinh’s entrepreneurs such as Anh Vy Trading Joint Stock Company, Minh Dupoultry breeding company Ltd., Hoai Nhon Coconut oil co-operative brieflyintroduced themselves and areas for cooperation with Japanese partners.

In the afternoon ofthe same day, the delegation made a courtesy call to the mayor of Sakai cityand the deputy governor of Osaka.