On October 21st, 2015, the Departmentof Planning and Investment of Binh Dinh issued a decision to withdraw and terminate the investment certificate of DatHuy Import and Export Company Limited. The reason for the withdrawal:compulsory execution asrequested by the Tax Agency.
Dat Huy Import and Export Company Limited was granted the investment license No. 351022000260 by the ProvincialPeople’s Committee (PPC) on 25th May 2012 in order to implement the project "Import and export agricultural and forest and seafood products" with a total capital of USD 1.43 million.
However, since being granted the investmentcertificate, the company has runvery few activities, not made capital contribution as registered or performed periodic reports. Especially in ashort time after moving to the new address, the company stopped its operation. The Department ofPlanning and Investment can not contact with the investors or its representatives The Tax Agency has also appliedcoercive measures but so far thecompany has not completed its tax obligations, said the Representation of the Tax Agency.
Previously, the PPC has decided to withdraw the investment licenseNo. 09/GP-BD of Viet Han Bowling Company Limited and the investmentcertificate No. 351022000303 dated 10.14.2013 of Viet Trung Agricultural Produce Manufacture and Export Company Limited.