New project proposal of an animal slaughtering and frozen food processing plant approved


A new approval has been made by the ViceChairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee (PPC) for Quang Nam foodprocessing Company Ltd. to carry our procedures to construct an animal slaughtering andfrozen food processing plant in Nhon Binh ward, Quy Nhon city on an area of21,000m2.


Picture illustrates ananimal slaughter plant (Source:

Accordingly, the companyis required to implement waste water treatment process in order to ensure thewaste water meet the Standard level A or equivalent before being dischargedinto the environment, and to prepare  theenvironmental impact assessment and procedures relating to land andconstruction before starting the project construction.

The project aims to builda poultry and animal slaughtering, food processing line with application ofmodern technology and food hygiene and safety protocol. It is also expected to bringabout economic efficiency, contributing to the local budget and job creation.

The project aims to slaughter160 pigs/hour (400-500 pigs/shift); 30 cattles/shift (night); 500-1000 chickenand ducks/shift (night); processing capacity of 1,000 tons of products/year.Invested capital of the project is VND 10 billion. The project registers theprogress as follows: land clearance investment procedures will be complete fromApril to November 2015, construction starts in December 2015; machinery andequipment installation and employee hiring and training are done in June 2016, officialoperation will kick off in July 2016.

Currently, under the localgovernment’s guidelines, slaughtering centres are gradually established inorder to strengthen the state management in the field, ensure to provide the consumerswith safe food, improve public health and contribute to environmentalprotection and disease prevention for livestock and poultry.

In Quy Nhon city inparticular and Binh Dinh province in general, at present there are over 600 private slaughteringestablishments located among residential areas with unsafe slaughteringconditions; therefore, it is easy to spread contagious diseases. There is a lack of concentrated animal slaughtering centres with modernfacilities in the province. In June 2015, the PPC approved for a slaughteringcentre project invested by Binh Dinh Organic Food Company in Tran Quang Dieuward, Quy Nhon city and the investor is implementing procedures to start theconstruction soon.

The new project is considered to be useful and expected to contribute toimproving the quality of poultry and cattle products of Binh Dinh province inthe market, gradually building brand names, expanding market and improvingefficiency in slaughtering poultry and cattle. Moreover, the project locationin Area 3, Nhon Binh Ward, Quy Nhon city has favorable supply of raw material,transport market and investment environment, contributing to transformation of agriculturaleconomy structure positively