Seminar on “Free trade agreements in process of negotiation: Opportunities and challenges”
On the morning of 14/4/2014, in Quy Nhon city, Department ofInternal Affairs in collaboration with Institution of Public Administrationorganized a meeting to disseminate information on “Free trade agreements in process of negotiation:Opportunities and challenges”. An important talk was presented by Mr TruongDinh Tuyen, former Head of Ministry of Trade (Ministry of Trade and Industry nowadays),Advisor of the Government in the TPP Negotiation Delegation.
The meeting was attended by many representatives of theprovincial and district People’s Committees, leaders; representatives ofdepartments and sectors; representatives of enterprises in the locality.
At the meeting, Mr Truong Dinh Tuyen shared information around Vietnam’s freetrade agreements under negotiation, especially the Tran-Pacific Partnership(TPP). Some key components of TPP relating to commodity trade, investment,government procurement, competitiveness and state-owned enterprises, labour andunion, environment, electronic trade and tele-communication, intellectualproperty… were analyzed. Accordingly, opportunities and challenges faced when Vietnam entersTPP have been more thoroughly realized. Recommendations for governmentalorganizations, agencies and enterprises in Binh Dinh were made in order toorientate these agencies and business community and prepare them for upcomingopportunities and challenges.