Binh Dinh received the title of best economic operation in Vietnam 2012


In the morning of 14thMarch, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI)announced Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) of the province in 2012 in thecapital of Hanoi.Accordingly, Binh Dinh ranked 4th out of 63 provinces and cities, up34 places compared with 2011. Photo: VCCI Chairman, Mr Vu Tien Loc, presented the certificate to Mr MaiThanh Thang, the Deputy Chairman of Binh Dinh PPC.


In the morning of 14thMarch, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI)announced Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) of the province in 2012 in thecapital of Hanoi.Accordingly, Binh Dinh ranked 4th out of 63 provinces and cities, up34 places compared with 2011. Photo: VCCI Chairman, Mr Vu Tien Loc, presented the certificate to Mr MaiThanh Thang, the Deputy Chairman of Binh Dinh PPC.

Binh Dinh’s significant improvementin the PCI 2012 ranking has shown enormous effort and determination of provincialleaders in the process of reforming administrative procedures and investmentclimate, which has brought about markedly positive effects.

The PCI index this year impliesreflections of more than 8000 businesses and entrepreneurs across 63 provincesand cities nationwide about the quality of economic governance and the localbusiness environment in which they are operating.

The PCI index continuesto be an important tool to help the provincial government to understand theefficiency of economic operation as well as recommendations on how to improvethe business environment in order to promote domestic and foreign investment,create jobs and boost economic development.

Being one of twoprovinces invited to speak at the ceremony, the Deputy Chairman Mai Thanh Thangsaid: " Leaders of the provincialParty Committee, People's Committee and sectors in Binh Dinh Provincehave actively carried out various policies related to investment attraction. However,the implementation process, especially the pioneering role of leadership andresponsibilities of relevant sectors have not been effective enough in solvingdifficult for businesses. This ledto the drop of Binh Dinh’s PCI index from the top group. Especially in 2011,  Binh Dinh’s PCI index dropped to 38/63 in theranking chart, down 18 places compared to 2010 and 31 places compared to 2009.

Giventhe situation, over the past years, Binh Dinh People's Committee frequentlycooperate with VCCI to organize conferences to analyze causes and find outsolutions. Direct instructions given, documents and letters issued and dialoguesheld were to improve sectors’ performance increase businesses and investors’ trust.

Asa result of that strong determination, Binh Dinh’s PCI index comes back the topgroup in 2012 as a few years ago."

It's especially good newsthis year when Binh Dinh PCI 2012 is ranked highest among all the provinces andcities in the central region. In particular, the marketentry criteria gained absolute score, ranked the top of the country. Therefore, at the ceremony, VCCI Chairman Vu Tien Loc presentedBinh Dinh with a certificate of best improving the quality of economicgovernance in 2012 to the DeputyChairman Mai Thanh Thang.