Binh Dinh Provincial People’s Committee hasapproved for Bai Dai Tourism Company Limited (Life Resort Quy Nhon) to investin construction of a complex of villas in Bai Dai area, Ghenh Rang ward, QuyNhon city. The complex is built on an area of 5.7ha and with an expectedcapital of around USD 3.5 to 4.5 million.
Binh Dinh Provincial People’s Committee hasapproved for Bai Dai Tourism Company Limited (Life Resort Quy Nhon) to investin construction of a complex of villas in Bai Dai area, Ghenh Rang ward, QuyNhon city. The complex is built on an area of 5.7ha and with an expectedcapital of around USD 3.5 to 4.5 million.
According to the project document, there will be26 villas for sale and for rent under the management of Life Resort corporation.This is a form of tourism property which is being popular in coastal cities andprovinces nationwide.