To evaluate the performance of the TradePromotion Centre in the region in 2012, carry out the planned activities, anddiscuss solutions for improving the effectiveness and strengthening links intrade promotion, on 16/01/2013 the Trade Promotion Agency in collaboration withBinh Dinh Department of Industry and Trade (DoIT) organized "Seminar to summarize and evaluate tradepromotion activities in the Central-Highlands in 2012, start the implementation of the plan 2013" inQuy Nhon City, Binh Dinh Province.
To evaluate the performance of the TradePromotion Centre in the region in 2012, carry out the planned activities, anddiscuss solutions for improving the effectiveness and strengthening links intrade promotion, on 16/01/2013 the Trade Promotion Agency in collaboration withBinh Dinh Department of Industry and Trade (DoIT) organized "Seminar to summarize and evaluate tradepromotion activities in the Central-Highlands in 2012, start the implementation of the plan 2013" inQuy Nhon City, Binh Dinh Province.
In his opening speech,Mr. Do Thang Hai, Director of the Trade Promotion Agency appreciated the roleand contribution of trade promotion system for the national economic growth, inthe export sector in particular and the whole industry and trade sector ingeneral. He asserted that regular seminarsbriefing trade promotion performance in the region was really important, beingopportunity for the Departments of Trade and Industry, Trade Promotion Centresof the provinces and cities in the region to exchange experience and enhancethe quality and efficiency of trade promotion activities. In thenear future, the National Trade Promotion Agency will consider online seminars tominimized traveling time of the participants and save costs.
Mr Nguyen Kim Phuong, theDirector of Binh Dinh DoIT delivered a report on the province’s trade promotionactivities in 2012, analyzing the difficulties and constraints in the implementationprocess and proposing some solutions to improve efficiency and boost the linksin trade promotion: building sustainable linkages between trade promotion centre;organizing and expanding the links in product consumption chains; improving theperformance of export-oriented trade promotion and domestic trade promotion;supporting e-commerce network and improving the quality of data and forecasts.
In recent years, trade promotion has beenincreasingly supported. The business community acknowledges the role of localtrade promotion centres and actively participates in the activities conducted. Thecentres have gained certain achievements in helping businesses find theirparners to export goods, expanding domestic market and the staff capacity hasalso markedly improved.