Boosting investment into industrial clusters


A conference on “Attracting investment into industrial clusters (IC) in Binh Dinh" was heldin Thanh Binh Hotel, Quy Nhon city on April 17th. The event was attendedby Mr. Ho Quoc Dung, Deputy Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee (PC) andrepresentatives of departments, sectors and PCs of districts, towns, cities andnearly 20 enterprises and associations in the province.


A conference on “Attracting investment into industrial clusters (IC) in Binh Dinh" was heldin Thanh Binh Hotel, Quy Nhon city on April 17th. The event was attendedby Mr. Ho Quoc Dung, Deputy Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee (PC) andrepresentatives of departments, sectors and PCs of districts, towns, cities andnearly 20 enterprises and associations in the province.

At the conference, Nguyen Van Thang, DeputyDirector of the Department of Industry and Trade announced the Decision No.52/QD-UBND dated 19/01/2010 of the Provincial PC regarding to adjusting andsupplementing the planning of ICs in Binh Dinh province to 2020 andorientations until 2025.

The report of the Department of Trade andIndustry says that there are 39 ICs in Binh Dinh with total area of 1255 ha, 23of them have gone into operation, nine are 100% filled, six 50 % or more andeight less than 50% filled. These ICshave attracted 456 enterprises and production units of medium and small scale.The total registered capital has achieved VND 1,780 billion and realizedcapital VND 1,127 billion. In 2011 the enterprises in these ICs produced aroundVND 990 billion, accounting for 13.3 % of the industrial output of the wholeprovince, which has shown quite low investment.

In the conclusions at the conference, Mr. HoQuoc Dung emphasized that the conference was very important because it is adifficult period of the economy at present. Evaluating and seeking ways toimprove the investment environment, especially investment in the ICs wouldenhance the attraction to investors. He also asked relevant departments to reviewthe planning and incentive policies for ICs and to encourage enterprises to investin IC infrastructure.The state budget should be spent on supporting enterprisesin land clearance and waste water treatment. The People's Committees ofdistricts, towns and cities are assigned to organize enterprises in ICs andpropose revoking unused land. TheIC management units also need to be strengthened.