Conference on current investment in industrial clusters in Binh Dinh


A conference on currentinvestment in industrial clusters (ICs) in Binh Dinh is planned to be held atthe end of the month.Picture: A perspective of Phuoc An IC, Tuy Phuoc district

At present, Binh Dinh province has 39 ICs in the process of completing infrastructureand going into operation. While the occupancy rate of many ICs is low,investors still have to look for land outside to carry out their projects.


A conference on currentinvestment in industrial clusters (ICs) in Binh Dinh is planned to be held atthe end of the month. Picture: A perspective of Phuoc An IC, Tuy Phuoc district

At present, Binh Dinhprovince has 39 ICs in the process of completing infrastructure and going intooperation. While the occupancy rate of many ICs is low, investors still have tolook for land outside to carry out their projects. In order to fulfill theprovincial planning and improve investment into Binh Dinh ICs, the conference organizedby the provincial People’s Committee (PC) is aimed at reviewing theimplementation of the planning and investment in ICs and recommending solutionsfor improving the investment climate in ICs.

It is expected that 80people will attend the conference, including leaders of PC, Departments of  Industry and Trade, Natural Resources andEnvironment, Construction, Finance; Agriculture-Rural Development, Traffic andTransport, leaders of district PCs, Management Boards of ICs andrepresentatives of Associations…

The Department ofIndustry and Trade (DIT) will introduce the Decision No.52/QĐ-UBND dated19/01/2012 of the Provincial PC regarding the revised planning for developingthe ICs in Binh Dinh until 2020 and orientation until 2025. Relevant outcomes,constraints and recommendations will be presented. The Department of Planningand Investment (DPI) will also propose recommendations and solutions to promoteand attract more investment in ICs in the near future.

The DPI is cooperatingwith DIT and competent sectors to prepare for the conference.