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Resolution on promoting synchronous implementation of key tasks and solutions to improve competitiveness and develop logistics services in Vietnam


On December 16, 2022, the Government issued Resolution No.163/NQ-CP on promoting synchronous implementation of key tasks and solutions to improve competitiveness and develop Vietnamese logistics services.


Implementation plan of Binh Dinh province's urban development program for the period 2021-2025


Provincial People's Committee has recently promulgated the implementation plan of Binh Dinh province's urban development program for the period 2021-2025; the plan is to concretize the orientation of urban system development in accordance with the construction planning of Binh Dinh province until 2035 and the national urban classification for the period of 2021-2030 approved by the Government.


84 business lines with limited market entry for foreign investors


On March 26, 2021, the Government issued the List of business lines with limited market entry for foreign investors, enclosed with Decree No. 31/2021/ND-CP. Accordingly, one list of business lines which foreign investors, including foreign-invested companies (which are deemed as foreign investors) are not allowed to invest in (Prohibition List) and one list of busines lines which foreign investors must satisfy market entry conditions to invest in (Market Entry List), specifically as follows:


Fisheries sector development plan in Binh Dinh province by 2020 and vision until 2030


Binh Dinh Provincial People’s Committee(PPC) has approved a Master Plan for fisheries development in Binh Dinhprovince to 2020 and vision until. The plan outlines the content of developmentobjectives, planning in exploiting and protecting aquatic resources,aquaculture, breeding development, seafood processing and investment ininfrastructure.


Action plan to improve the business environment and raise the provincial competitiveness until 2015 in line with Resolution 19 of the Government


Upon implementation ofthe Government’ Resolution regarding tasks, solutions for improving the business environment and raising thenational competitiveness, the provincial people’s committee (PPC) has developedaction plan to improve the business environment and raise the provincialcompetitiveness index (PCI) until 2015.


Improve efficiency of attracting, using and managing foreign direct investment


On 29/8/2013,Resolution No.103/NQ-CP regarding the orientation to improve efficiency of attracting,using and managing foreign direct investment (FDI) in thefuture was issued by the central government.


Expanding ODA fund for private sector


From 6June 2013, private sector will be eligible for ODA. Though there is limitation,this is a significant change to use this fund effectively.

Accordingly,a prerequisite to receive this fund is that project owner must be certified interm of organization and projectmanagement capacity.


Protocol issued on management and use of foreign non-governmental aid


The People’s Committee (PPC) hassigned Decision No. 247/QD-UBND promulgating a protocol on managementand use of foreign non-governmental aid in Binh Dinh.

The protocol consists of 6chapters and 24 articles as basis for the departments, sectors and localities toclosely and actively cooperate in mobilizing, using and managing foreignnon-governmental aid. Regulationsclearly identify the tasks and authorities of the Department of Planning andInvestment (DPI), Finance, Foreign Affairs, Internal Affairs, Justice, ProvincialPolice,  People's Committees of districts,towns, Quy Nhon city and concerned departments and sectors.


Regulation on the average investment rate in the functional areas in Nhon Hoi Economic Zone


In order to createflexibility in luring investment and attracting more experienced eligibleinvestors to implement their projects in Nhon Hoi Economic Zone, the ProvincialPeople’s Committee has approved for applying the average investment rate forthis area.



Halting additional planning, establishment and expansion of industrial clusters


Implementingthe Directive No.07/CT-TTg dated 27/03/2012 of the Prime Minister, recently the Provincial People’s Committee (PC)has requested related departments and PCs of districts, towns and cities tohalt the additional planning, establishment and expansion of industrialclusters (IC) in localities, waiting for the guidance of the Prime Minister andMinistry of Industry and Trade (MoIT).


Halting additional planning, establishment and expansion of industrial clusters


Implementingthe Directive No.07/CT-TTg dated 27/03/2012 of the Prime Minister, recently the Provincial People’s Committee (PC)has requested related departments and PCs of districts, towns and cities tohalt the additional planning, establishment and expansion of industrialclusters (IC) in localities, waiting for the guidance of the Prime Minister andMinistry of Industry and Trade (MoIT).


Policy to support participating in domestic and oversea exhibitions


TheDecision No.39/2011/QĐ-UBND was issued on 13/12/2011 by Binh Dinh People’sCommittee (PC) regulating policies supporting enterprises, co-operatives in thelocality to attend domestic and oversea exhibitions and fairs. The aim is tocreate favorable conditions for enterprises to introduce and promote theirproducts and brand names, to look for new markets, to boost production andexport and also to contribute to the local economic growth.


Promoting investment projects in unburned materials Binh Dinh Province


TheProvincial People’s Committee has lately issued the InstructionNo.04/2001/CT-UBND re reviewing, monitoring the manufacture of burned claybricks and tiles with old manual kilns in Binh Dinh Province, and implementingthe development program of unburned materials+. Accordingly, the PC has directedthe Department of Planning and Investment to start promoting projects in unburnedmaterial in the locality.


Incentives for waste treatment projects


In order to mobilize investmentin solid waste treatment and to improve the environment quality and communityhealth, the Prime Minister has recently issued Decision No.798/QĐ-TTg approvingfor the waste treatment program of the stage 2011-2020.


Supporting investments for indoor furniture product manufacture


In order to encourage and provide favourable conditions for investors in manufacturing, processing and developing indoor furniture in Binh Dinh, the Decision No.09/2011/QĐ-UBND was issued on 13/5/2011 to regulate some policies encouraging indoor furniture manufacture within the province.


List of investment promotion activities in 2011 approved


On 09/5/2011, the Ministry of Planning and Investment issued the Decision No.602/QĐ-BKHĐT approving the List of investment promotion activities in 2011. Funding for these investment promotion activities is VND 20 billion.


Support for participating in exhibitions continues


Binh Dinh People’s Committee has lately approved to continue supporting policies for enterprises, co-operatives to attend domestic and oversea exhibitions and fairs as stipulated in the Decision No. 113/2006/QĐ-UBND dated 16/10/2006.


Online business registration from June 1, 2010


Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has issued a decree allowing individuals to register their business online via the national business registration gateway, the government said in a statement Friday.


Promulgating regulations of simplifying investment- related procedures


That's the conclusion of the Chairman Nguyen Van Thien at the meeting with the International Finance Corporation  (IFC), which supports Binh Dinh Province to construct Regulations on order and co-ordination mechanisms of resolving administrative procedures for the establishment of the enterprises outside the industrial zones, economic zones over the Binh Dinh province. After 6 months of implementing the actual survey, drafting and collecting opinions of relevant agencies, IFC and consulting units have basically completed the Regulations to report in the presence of PPC.


Four-year tax exemption for enterprises invest in projects of environmental protection


Under the guidance of the Circular No. 230/2009/TT-BTC dated 08 December 2009 by the Ministry of Finance on applying the tax rate of 10% during operation for enterprises which invest in projects of environmental protection.


» Invitation For BID - Long My Domestic Solid Waste Treatment Plant using waste incineration technology combined with electricity generation

» Notification inviting interest in investment project using land the agricultural area project applying high technology for shrimp farming in My Thanh commune, Phu My district

» Notification inviting interests in an investment project using land the agricultural area project applying high technology for shrimp farming in My Thanh commune, Phu My district

» NOTICE inviting interest in an investment project using land, Binh Chuong Nam urban area project, Hoai Duc ward, Hoai Nhon town


» NOTICE OF EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Tra Quang Nam urban area, Phu My town, Phu My district Project

» NOTICE OF EXPRESSION OF INTEREST - ‘Converting part of Nhon Hoi Tourist Service - Trade Center Project area to urban residential land’ Project

» Notice of interest - Selecting investors to implement Northeast Dieu Tri Green Urban Area, Tuy Phươc district

» Notice of interest Selecting investors to implement Tourist attraction No. 2A, Quy Nhon - Song Cau route

» Notice of interest Selecting investors to implement Anh Viet residential area

» Notice of interest Selecting investors to implement Hoi Van resort, health care and residential area

» Notice of interest Selecting investors to implement Diem Van Ecotourism and urban area, Tuy Phuoc district, Binh Dinh province

» NOTICE OF INTEREST - Selecting investors to implement Long Van 2 Urban Area Project in Tran Quang Dieu ward, Quy Nhon city

» NOTICE OF INTEREST Selecting investors to implement Long Van 3 Urban Area Project in Bui Thi Xuan ward, Quy Nhon city

» NOTICE OF INTEREST - Selecting investors to implement Long Van 4 Urban Area Project in Bui Thi Xuan ward, Quy Nhon city

» Notice of extension of bid closing time and adjustment, supplementation of criteria for preliminary assessment of capacity and experience for two projects of Urban Area 1 and Urban Area 2 westward Highway 19 (new) at NDT 1 and NDT 2, Nhon Binh ward, Quy N

» Calling for investment in the Urban Area NĐT1 Project westward from National Highway 19 (new)

» Calling for investment in the Urban Area NĐT2 Project westward from National Highway 19 (new)

» Calling for investment in an Artificial Intelligence Centre - Urban Ancillary Facilities

» Notice Invitation for Prequalification Applications to select the investor for Cho Goc market (CG-01) New Urban Area in Nhon Binh ward, Quy Nhon city


Website for Cooperation and Investment Promotion
The Permit No.02/GPTTDT-STTTT dated 31/8/2017 of Department of Information and Communication
Established by the Investment Promotion Center of Binh Dinh Province(IPC Binh Dinh)
Person in charge: Mr Nguyen Bay, Director, Investment Promotion Center of Binh Dinh Province
Address: 35 Le Loi Street, Quy Nhon City, Binh Dinh Province, Vietnam
Tel: +84.256 2200 100, +84.256 2200 301