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Binh Dinh Provincial delegation promotes investment and trade in the Netherlands




Within the framework of the Investment and Trade Promotion Program in the Netherlands, on the morning of July 15, 2024 (Dutch time), in Groningen City, Groningen Province, the Netherlands, the Standing Deputy Secretary of Binh Dinh Provincial Party Committee, Mr Le Kim Toan and members of the Delegation attended the Investment and Trade Promotion Seminar organized by Binh Dinh province in coordination with Becamex IDC Corporation and WTC Leewarden World Trade Center.


The seminar in the Netherlands

The seminar was attended by  Mr. Ngo Huong Nam – the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Vietnam to the Netherlands; Ms. Vo Thi Ngoc Diep - Trade Counselor of Viet  Nam in the Netherlands; Mr. Evert Jan Schouwstra - Director of the World Trade Center WTC Leewarden and the delegates from Dutch corporations and enterprises operating in seaports - logistics, tourism, high-tech agriculture, clean energy, waste treatment and processing and manufacturing industries...

At the seminar, representatives of Becamex IDC Corporation and members of the provincial delegation informed delegates and Dutch enterprises about the potential and advantages of the province; presented supportive policies to attract investment in the Economic Zone, industrial parks, especially the province's preferential policies for investors when investing in Becamex VSIP Binh Dinh Industrial Park.

The Vietnamese Ambassador to the Netherlands Ngo Huong Nam delivered a welcome speech, and appreciated the efforts of Binh Dinh province in investment promotion activities in the Netherlands in the context of the strong development of the relationship between Vietnam and the Netherlands at the local level. The Trade Counselor Vo Thi Ngoc Diep informed of investment and trade between Vietnam and the Netherlands and policies to attract investment in areas where Vietnam has strengths. Mr. Evert Jan Schouwstra - Director of the World Trade Center WTC Leewarden introduced Dutch businesses, especially emphasizing the potential for cooperation and investment in the fields in which the Netherlands has strengths.

The Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Le Kim Toan delivers a welcome speech at the seminar
Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang delivers a speech at the seminar

Speaking at the seminar, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang briefed on the province's development orientation, investment and trade relations between Binh Dinh province and the Netherlands. He asserted that Binh Dinh is currently focusing on upgrading the local infrastructure, developing industrial parks and clusters, promoting administrative procedure reform, improving the quality of human resources, calling for investment in the areas in which the province has great potential and which Dutch enterprises have much strength such as: Seaports - Logistics, high-tech agriculture, clean energy, semiconductor chips, processing and manufacturing industry...

The Dutch enterprises attending the seminar introduced themselves and discussed with the members of the Binh Dinh delegation about the areas in which the province attracts investment, tax and labor policies, Binh Dinh's advantages compared to other localities in the region...

Mr Le Kim Toan affirmed that with the advantage of being a locality with an important strategic position in regional connectivity and international exchange, stretching over 134km of coastline, Binh Dinh always believes that in the coming time it will become an "ideal destination" for investors, many Dutch enterprises and investors will come to Binh Dinh to survey the investment environment, develop specific projects and plants in the province.

Continuing the working program in the Netherlands, on the afternoon of July 15, 2024 (Dutch time), Binh Dinh Provincial Delegation had a meeting with the Governor of Groningen Province.

The working session was attended by Mr. René Paas - Governor of Groningen Province and representatives of Groningen Provincial government agencies, Mr. Ngo Huong Nam - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Vietnam to the Netherlands, Ms. Vo Thi Ngoc Diep - Vietnamese Trade Counselor in the Netherlands.

At the meeting, the Governor of Groningen Province shared with Binh Dinh delegation information about the strengths and development orientation of Groningen Province and opportunities for cooperation for growth with Binh Dinh Province.
Mr. René Paas - Governor of Groningen province speaks at the meeting

On behalf of the leaders of Binh Dinh Province, Mr Le Kim Toan respectfully thanked the leaders of Groningen Province for the enthusiastic reception of the delegation. He briefed informed on the development orientation of Binh Dinh province and respectfully invited Mr. René Paas - Governor of Groningen Province and his colleagues, businesses and investors from Groningen Province to visit Binh Dinh, Viet Nam in the near future. It would be a fantastic opportunity for delegates and businesses to learn more about Binh Dinh and discuss the vision, orientation, and sign cooperation agreements. 

On the next day, the delegation visits Eemhaven Port, Groningen province, the Netherlands. In addition, the delegation also visits and learn about the economic model of Amsterdam city, the Netherlands.





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Website for Cooperation and Investment Promotion
The Permit No.02/GPTTDT-STTTT dated 31/8/2017 of Department of Information and Communication
Established by the Investment Promotion Center of Binh Dinh Province(IPC Binh Dinh)
Person in charge: Mr Nguyen Bay, Director, Investment Promotion Center of Binh Dinh Province
Address: 35 Le Loi Street, Quy Nhon City, Binh Dinh Province, Vietnam
Tel: +84.256 2200 100, +84.256 2200 301