From 10/01/2016 to 18/01/2016, a delegtionof Binh Dinh province led by PPC Chairman Ho Quoc Dung made a visit to Japanfor investment promotion. Binh Dinh investment promotion centre (IPC) accompanyingthe delegation had a report on the entire trip.
Seminar ‘Binh Dinh - Investment opportunities forJapanese businesses’
Purposes of the trip
The trip aims to disseminate information on potentials andfavorable conditions, investment opportunities and policies for investment inthe province, also it aims to create an image of Binh Dinh as an idealdestination for domestic and foreign investors, especially Japanese investors.
The promotion was also focused on the country and people of BinhDinh province, an attractive destination for cultural tourism, sea tourism and centreof favorable goods trading in the region.
Sectors needing investment include seafood, bird nests, poultrybreeds, furniture, tourism, labour export, Japanese training, transportationinfrastructure (sea ports and roads), supportive industries... Types ofinvestment are not only direct investment (FDI) but also ODA, PPP and otherforms.
During this time, BinhDinh had direct negotiations with several large groups of Japan, namely Daiki Susan (seafood), Kato Office (seafood),Konan shoji (supermarket chain), Bunrin Gakuin (training Japanese), Yanmar(shipbuilding and engines), Sanicon (water purifier), Maguchi (logistics, laborexport), Naka Shima (seafood, poultry)...
Activities of the delegationin Japan
The investment promotion seminar held by the Provincial People’sCommittee (PPC) in collaboration with the Consulate General of Vietnam in Osakawith the participation of more than 50 Japanese businesses.
At the seminar, Chairman Ho Quoc Dung presented potentials andadvantages, investment environment, investment policies and key projects toattract investment into Binh Dinh province and messages to Japanese investors.
Further information of the locality was conveyed through thepresentation of Mr Tran Duc Binh - Vietnam Consul General in Osaka and 2representatives of Japan's, namely JETRO and Quy Nhon Plantation company Ltd.
Speaking at the seminar, Mr Tran Duc Binh, Vietnamese ConsulGeneral in Osaka appreciated the activities of the delegation in the meetingsin Japan; also he said that the workshop “Binh Dinh - Investmentopportunities for Japanese businesses” would be a good time for the Japaneseenterprises to obtain more information on policies and business environment ofBinh Dinh, thereby opens cooperation opportunities for investors of both sides.
Chairman Ho Quoc Dung committed to proceed with reform ofadministrative procedures, so that a favorable business environment is createdand Binh Dinh really becomes an attractive destination for investors. Theprovince's enterprises such as Anh Vy Trading Joins Stock company, Minh Dupoultry breeding company Ltd., TMN company Ltd., Tan Phat company Ltd. and HoaiNhon district discusses separately with Konan Shoji supermarket in order topromote sale of goods at the supermarketchain of this group.
With the support of Mr. Hitoshi Kato, President of Japan – VietnamAssociation in Sakai, on the morning of 15th January 2016, the provincedelegation, especially the accompanying businesses had an exchange meeting withhundreds of Japanese officials, businesses and entrepreneurs.
Also at the meeting, Binh Dinh PPC Chairman had an important speechdelivered to Japanese investors and presented an awarding certificate to Mr.Hitoshi Kato in recognition of his contribution in promoting cooperationbetween Binh Dinh and Japan.
The delegation made visits to more than 15 other importantorganizations and individuals such as:
Both Governor of Wakayama Prefecture (Mr. Yoshinobu Nisaka), DeputyGovernor of Osaka Prefecture (Mr Osami Takeyama), Mayor of Sakai (Mr OsamiTakeyama) agreed that with the enthusiasm and its way of inviting Japaneseinvestors, Binh Dinh has made its image outstanding in Japan in general, inOsaka and the surrounding provinces in particular. Therefore, he iscommitted to accompanying a Japanese business delegation to Binh Dinh in the nearestfuture in order to study investment business opportunities.
Wakayama Prefecture islocated in at the southernmost tip of Kansai region on Honshu Island. Itconsists of nine cities and the administrative center Wakayama. With the area ofaround 4,725.67 km² and population of more than 1 million people, the prefecture’sadvantage is tourism, fishing and seafood aquaculture, especially bluefin tunawith about 20,000 tonnes of bluefin tunacaught and landed in Kasuura each year. Wakayama (Kuroshio - Ichiba) fishmarket is one of the biggest fish markets in Japan, there are tuna auctions atthe market meeting the needs of people in the province and neighboringareas. At the same time, the prefecture is home of high quality fruittrees for the whole country such as oranges, peaches ...
Therefore, it is important for Binh Dinh to develop comprehensivecooperation with Wakayama prefecture to enhance sustainable development offisheries resources, agriculture, tourism....
Yanmar group of Japan is multinational and multidisciplinary group,mainly hydraulic motors and ship building. Yanmar Vietnam shipbuilding companyLtd. in Binh Dinh is a member of Yanmar Asia of Japan Yanmar. The companyregisters to operate in manufacturing FRP fishing boats, molds formanufacturing boats, repair services, technical consulting for improvingthe quality of tuna catching.
Binh Dinh government has offered land in Hoai Nhon and Phu Catdistricts for the company to investigate and survey for investment.
· Visitingand working with Maguchi Group (logistics, labor export)
In addition to companies in Japan, Maguchi group owns more than 10branches worldwide with total 7,000 employees. Currently the companiesbelonging to the group in Japan are in need of workers in seafood andagriculture product processing.... Through different partners, the ConstructionJoint Stock Company 47 is working closely with Maguchi to startcooperation in this sector.
In 2015, the Construction Joint Stock Company 47 provided 15employees for internship for Japan, in which 13 workers were sent via Vileximcompany in Ho Chi Minh city (ie: 09 metal casting workers, 01 worker inagricultural sector; 03 employees in construction-granite paving) and 02 femaleworkers were sent directly by the company for agricultural sector (on 30/11/2015).
At present, the company is training Japanese for 23 employees to beexported in 2016, namely: 04 employees in agricultural sector, 02 workers in welding,03 in metal casting and 14 in construction.
According to the plan for 2016, the Japanese management union(IBCA) receives 100-150 employees for internship in Japan, the company willmake monthly schedule to come to Binh Dinh to run recruitment interviews. Inaddition, Maguchi plans to receive 50 -70 workers for skill training in Japan.
Labor export is oriented to be one solution to help workers improvetheir skills and income.
At present, Binh Dinh is preparing necessary conditions such asJapanese language training, vocational training, working principles for labourers...on order to invite Japanese companies to the locality for cooperation withexisting enterprises in training and recruiting qualified people, and bringthem to Japan so that they can work for companies, unions for universities inthis country.
Binh Dinh calls for Japanese partners to assist training materialsand language teachers, providing nursing training syllabus, information on industriesneeding labour force, send specialists and teachers to Vietnam to help trainingVietnamese, teaching students about careers, culture, working style... so thatVietnamese are able to adapt to specific work soon in Japan.
The Japanese side, specifically the Japan-Vietnam FriendshipAssociation of Kyoto prefecture, Maguchi group, Kashima construction group,JPGA Japanese Language School - Japan Global Academy, Management Union (IBCA)..., plans to make quarterly visits to Vietnam fortraining and labour recruitment to bring to Japan for work or study.
Shoji Konan group owns supermarket chain in Japan and abroad. Mainproducts in this group’s supermarkets are interior furniture, constructionmaterials and consumer goods with cheap price.
The items are offered for sale by the province include indoor andoutdoor furniture, pure coconut oil and handicraft items. On the occasionof opening of Japanese goods supermarket in Binh Duong province, the group’sleader said he will visit Binh Dinh in quarter 1/2016.
Japanese Language School Bunrin Gakuin has three 3 training facilities. Currently282 students are studying Japanese at the school, of which 280 are Vietnamese students.Mr Sumiko Magata – the Chairman said they the school wanted to collaborate withQuang Trung university, the Construction Joint Stock company 47 to opreateanother training facility for Binh Dinh students.
To date, the Construction Joint Stock company 47 has established a Japaneselanguage training centre in Quy Nhon city. In 2015, the center trained Japanesefor 218 students, including:
- Training of 23 students; namely 03 students for Bunrin school,who are expected to leave Vietnam in July 2016; 20 students for JPGA school,who are expected to leave Vietnam in September 2016 (students of Binh DinhMedical College);
- Japanese training for workers (labour export) with 80 participants;
- Basic Japanese training (primary) on social demand for 115people.
- It is expected that in 2016, the centre will provide Japanese trainingfor approximately 650 learners.
Currently, Binh Dinh Medical College has cooperated with theConstruction Joint Stock company 47 and Japanese Language School JPGA - JapanGlobal Academy to provide training at the college. Besides, Le Quy DonHigh School often opens Japanese classes, attracting participation of manystudents.
Susan Daiki group and other fisheries groups such as Nippon Susanowns many restaurants selling fresh and frozen seafood products. Binh Dinhhas cooperated well with Susan Daiki group to export fresh tunas toJapan. However, the quality of fish has not met Japanese standard, so theexport quantity is still low. Binh Dinh Fisheries Joint Stock company is workingon improving quality of tunas.
Mr. Hitoshi Kato – President of the Japan-Vietnam Friendship Association Sakai, President of Kato Office is a closefriend of Binh Dinh province for years. He has given much support for theprovince in exporting seafood products.
During this time, he made contact and with the delegation, met partnerssuch as Shoji Konan, Daiki, Sanicon, Shima Naka... He promised to continue to helpBinh Dinh in working with Japanese partners.
On the afternoon of 11 January 2016, the Construction Joint Stock company47 and Anh Vy Co. Ltd met with Sanicon company to discuss installation of waterpurification equipment for hotels and tall buildings. Output products aredrinkable water.
Presently, there are construction projects such as commercial housings,social housings and especially hotels, so cooperation in drinkable watertreatment is very effective and practical.
Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD), Minh Dupoultry breeds Co., Ltd. met with Naka Shima to discuss cooperation in chickenexport to Japan. However, the type of chicken that Japan needs is soft(but it does not taste as good as Binh Dinh native chickens); therefore, NakaShima is re-consider this matter.
However, Naka Shima company has high demand for frozen octopus andsquids and this is a great opportunity for the province's seafood businesses. DPIwill notify Binh Dinh Fisheries Joint Stock company and other seafoodprocessing companies so that they can make connnections with this enterprise.
Products introduced in Japan such as wood furniture; crafts; swiftnests; tunas... gain good appreciation of Japanese businesses. Especially,swiftlet nest product of Yen Ngoc Joint Stock Company drew a lot of attentionof Japanese officials and businesses. Thus, Osaka Broadcasting Station and Vietnam News Liner E-newspaper interviewedMs. Nguyen Thi Xuan Ngoc, Director of Yen Ngoc company regarding this product.
At the exchange meeting of Kato Group, and also at the courtesymeetings with Deputy Governor of Osaka, Mayor of Sakai city, people weresurprised and interested to know about such premium and high-class product fromone of enterprises of Binh Dinh province.
General evaluation
With timely guidance of the PPC, efforts of relevant authoritiesand members of the working team, especially the enthusiastic support of VietnamConsulate General in Osaka, Mr. Hitoshi Kato – President of Japan-Vietnam FriendshipAssociation, DPI realises that the the visit has been a great success. Especiallythe number of participants of the investment promotion seminar in Osaka and theexchange meeting for the beginning of the year of Kato group made a good impression.
The mission received tremendous support and assistance of Japanese enterpriseswho have invested in Vietnam or have come to Binh Dinh for investigation. Theseenterprises’ representatives were invited to the seminars to talk about advantagesof investment environment, policies and mechanisms of Binh Dinh province. Thisis very important information channel which helps Japanese businesses better understandand trust information provided by the delegation.
In general, in a short time and with a lot of activities, the delegationsuccessfully completed the planned tasks and opened up new prospects for theprovince.
Besides,good preparation for the trip in terms of introduction material and project portfoliosof agencies and businesses involved is appreciated by Japan partners and the Vietnamesediplomatic agencies in Japan. There has been much commitment from Japaneseenterprises to organise visits to Binh Dinh for investigation for investmentand cooperation.
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