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Notification inviting interest in investment project using land the agricultural area project applying high technology for shrimp farming in My Thanh commune, Phu My district


Binh Dinh Department of Planning and Investment invites interested investors to submit registration dossiers for implementing the agricultural area project applying high technology for shrimp farming in My Thanh commune, Phu My district as follows:

1. Project name: implementing the agricultural area project applying high technology for shrimp farming in My Thanh commune, Phu My district

2.  Investment objectives

2.1. Overall objectives

Forming a high-tech agricultural zone for shrimp development in Binh Dinh province.

2.2. Specific objectives

By the second quarter of 2028, all items of the project will be put into operation:

- Constructing and putting into operation a shrimp processing factory with a capacity of 20,000 tons of commercial shrimp/year (of which phase 1: 5,000 tons/year, phase 2: 15,000 tons/year, by 2028 the total capacity will reach 20,000 tons), export value of 200-240 million USD/year (phase 1: 50-60 million USD/year, phase 2: 150-180 million USD/year, by 2028 the total export value will reach 200-240 million USD/year).

- Constructing and putting into operation an aquaculture feed plant with a capacity of 100,000 tons/year.

- Completing and putting into production a high-tech commercial shrimp farming area with a total commercial output of 7,000 tons of shrimp material/year (of which phase 1: 3,500 tons/year, phase 2: 3,500 tons/year , by 2028 total output will reach 7,000 tons).

- Completing and putting into operation a white leg shrimp hatchery with a capacity of 2 billion posts/year and a sea water pumping station.

- Creating jobs for about 2,500 people.

- Building demonstration models, production and display of biological products, microbiological feeds, medicine for shrimp and substances for environmental treatment.

- Developing the trading floor for shrimp and supporting industries.

3. Investment scale: 

To fully and synchronously invest in technical infrastructure and other works in accordance with the subdivision planning scheme at the 1/2,000 scale of the agricultural area project applying high technology for shrimp farming in My Thanh commune, Phu My district, Binh Dinh province, which was approved in Decision No. 92/QD-UBND dated January 10, 2022 of the Provincial People's Committee and Decision No.2422/QD-UBND dated July 4, 2023 of the Provincial People's Committee approving the partial at the scale of 1/2,000 of the agricultural area project applying high technology for shrimp farming in My Thanh commune, Phu My district; Decision approving the investment policy and the investment project using land for the agricultural area project applying high technology for shrimp farming in My Thanh commune, Phu My district in Decision No.1057/QD-UBND dated April 6, 2023, adjusted in the Decision No.2610/QD-UBND dated July 17, 2023 and the Decision No.3505/QD-UBND dated September 21, 2023 of the Provincial People's Committee. Accordingly, the area calling for investment is 218.96 ha, including the following items:

- The administrative area: Covering 10 ha (Management and administration area, public office, exhibition, testing area, research, reception, transfer of scientific and technical applications, demonstration and introduction of hi-tech agricultural products, service center, worker housing area and parks for cultural, artistic, physical training and sports activities, parking lot).

- The sprimp production and processing area: Covering 197.98 ha (high-tech commercial shrimp farming area; food processing factory area; shrimp processing factory area; post hatchery, input water treatment area and pipelines; wastewater treatment area).

- The supportive items: Covering 10.98 ha (Concentration area of waste and solid waste; transport network and isolation trees...).

4. Investment value: Total estimated project investment capital (m1 + m2): VND 1,177,304,000,000 (In words: One thousand one hundred and seventy-seven billion, three hundred and four million Vietnamese dong), of which phase 1: VND 454,070,000,000; phase 2: VND 723,234,000,000, including:

- Preliminary cost of project implementation (m1): VND 900,000,000,000 (Not including compensation, site clearance, land use fees and land rent), of which phase 1: VND 400,000. 000,000, phase 2: VND 500,000,000,000.

- Compensation and preliminary site clearance costs (m2): VND 277,304,000,000 (Investor shall make an advance payment and the state will perform site clearance), of which phase 1: VND 54,070,000,000; phase 2: VND 223,234,000,000.

5. Project term and implementation schedule:

5.1. Project operation term: 50 years (from the date the investor is decided to lease the land). Investor shall pay land rent once for 50 years.

5.2. Project implementation schedule: No more than 4.5 years (54 months) from the effective date of the project implementation contract. Quarter II/2028: Operating the entire agricultural area applying high technology. Specifically:

- Phase 1: quarter IV/2023 - quarter II/2026:

+ From quarter IV/2023 - quarter III/2024: Carrying out investment preparation work on investment, construction, land, environmental impact assessment for each subarea, carrying out construction preparation, construction permit,…

+ From quarter IV/2024 - quarter II/2026: Constructing shrimp processing factory, constructing a system of shrimp ponds and other technical infrastructure (area of 95.05 ha), constructing a shrimp seed production area, constructing a management and operation center and a basic infrastructure system to ensure the production activities such as sea water pumping station, traffic system, electricity, water supply and drainage, waste concentration area...

+ June 2026: Completing construction investment and put into operation phase 1.

- Phase 2: quarter III/2026 -quarter II/2028: 

+ Constructing a system of shrimp ponds and other technical infrastructure (area of 91.2ha); 

+ Constructing a food processing factory;

+ Constructing research, science and technology transfer, demonstration models, service center; constructing public housing, testing, exhibition, conference subareas; 

+ Constructing parking lots, sports area, parks…; 

+ Constructing workers' housing area (houses for workers, employees of the project area); 

+ Isolation tree system; 

+ Completing the remaining items of the project.

+ June 2028: Putting into operation the entire agricultural area applying high technology.

Note: The investor must fully and synchronously implement the contents and ensure the progress of the project. In case the investor implements the phase 1 of the project behind schedule without a legitimate reason, the whole project shall be withdrawn.

6. Project implementation location: My Thanh commune, Phu My district, Binh Dinh province.

7. Land area: 218.96 ha.

8. Land use purpose: according to the land lease decision of the competent authority.

The approved planning criteria: According to the Decision No. 92/QD-UBND dated January 10, 2022 of the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee on approving the detailed planning of 1/2000 scale of the agricultural area applying high technology for shrimp farming in My Thanh commune, Phu My district, Binh Dinh province and the Decision No. 2422/QD-UBND dated July 4, 2023 of the Provincial People's Committee approving the partial adjustment of the construction zoning plan at the scale of 1/2,000 of the agricultural area applying high technology for shrimp farming in My Thanh commune, Phu My district, Binh Dinh province.

9. Deadline for submission of project implementation dossiers: 07:30 on November 06, 2023.

10. Project implementation dossiers: Project implementation registration dossiers prepared by investors must include:

- A written registration for implementation of an investment project using land, including the following contents: Project name, total investment capital (specify M1 value), investment capital source, implementation schedule, objectives, scale, commitment to bear all costs and risks if the project proposal is not approved, …

- Forms and relevant documents as prescribed in Chapter III of the Appendix attached to the Decision approving the project using land.

11. Preliminary requirements on capacity and experience of investors registering to implement investment projects using land: Details can be found in the Appendix issued together with Decision No.3598/QD-UBND dated September 28, 2023 of the People's Committee of Binh Dinh province on approval Preliminary requirements on capacity and experience of investors registering to implement the agricultural area project applying high technology for shrimp farming in My Thanh commune, Phu My district.

13. Contact information: Binh Dinh Department of Planning and Investment.

- Address: No. 35 Le Loi street, Quy Nhon city, Binh Dinh province.

- Phone number: (0256) 3822628.

- Fax number: (0256) 3824509.

Attached documents read here please.

Interested investors who wish to register for project implementation must carry out procedures to be granted a digital certificate and submit a project implementation registration application on the National Bidding Network System./.

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Website for Cooperation and Investment Promotion
The Permit No.02/GPTTDT-STTTT dated 31/8/2017 of Department of Information and Communication
Established by the Investment Promotion Center of Binh Dinh Province(IPC Binh Dinh)
Person in charge: Mr Nguyen Bay, Director, Investment Promotion Center of Binh Dinh Province
Address: 181-183 Le Hong Phong Street, Quy Nhon City, Binh Dinh Province, Vietnam
Tel: +84.256 3818 888